Author Archive

LEAVES’ EYES & ATROCITY: Latin American Tour: poster online.

Here’s the poster for the LEAVES’ EYES & ATROCITY Latin America tour starting the first of july!! The bands hope …

ATROCITY – Interview with Alex on (Ukraine)

A new interview with alex on hast just been posted, you can check it out here: Interview

ATROCITY in Universal Film magazine

ATROCITY is featured with a full page ad for our new DVD: ‘Die Gottlosen Jahre’ in the special may ‘Cannes …

LEAVES’ EYES and ATROCITY Asia tour 2012

LEAVES’ EYES and ATROCITY are proud to announce that they will be heading east in july for their first ever …

LEAVES’ EYES & ATROCITY new Latin American show announced.

ATROCITY & LEAVES’ EYES are proud to announce another date for the 2012 Latin America tour: 01-07-2012: El Salvador, San …