Atrocity & Leaves’ Eyes across Latin America 2015 – Argentina
Atrocity & Leaves’ Eyes across Latin America 2015
A report by Liv Kristine
24. and 25. May
The wake-up alarm called at 3:45 a.m. and I truly wanted to imagine that it was just a bad joke. The two flights to Buenos Aires felt like torture and it felt like a true relief to finally arrive at the Scala Hotel. Cristian Chaca Carcagno , Gaby Sisti,Marina Di Paolo and the local promoter team helped us the best they could to make us feel comfortable. The gig was absolutely killer – the audience greeted us warmly and the meet & greet was truly a memorable one. Tatiana, seven years old, and her sweet family waved goodbye with kisses and hugs the next afternoon. In average the band slept 11 hours per person, for some of us, it meant finally getting over a delirious flu. Band and crew felt like reborn, thanks to Christian’s effort and good planning. At 14 p.m. we drove to the harbour. It felt like a relief not having to enter a plane, however, a ship. We really enjoyed the comfortable over-see ride by Buquebus to Montevideo. On what would a metal band spend the local “left-over” money in a tax-free shop? On argan hair oil, of course!
To be continued!
Check out the photos on our Facebook page: